Thursday, February 25, 2010

After A Long Hiatus.

After a freakin long hiatus, I decided to pay more attention to this blog. Hahaha. (Kasihan. Dianak-tirikn selama ini. )

Sj je nk ltak gmbr terbaru agak baru sy n kwn2 sy~

Pic: @In my car otw to Alor Star with Ain n Awe~

After I ignored this blog for quite some time, I fine pleasure in writing a different kind of things.. hahaha.. If my parents knows what type of writings I wrote, they'll surely kill me! Yes, kill me! It's against my moral! Our moral! I dunno from where I get those crazy ideas and these all kinds of words to "mantapkn" my fic. But hey, my passion is writing and my inspiration is about the pairing which against my morality! I never reads what I've wrote and ppl says that it's kinda good but every time I open the document, I get goosebumps. Brr. It's too weird for me to be reading what I've wrote. Hahaha. Call me crazy or whatever. But it's the truth! I got hooked on to writing the so-called-fic thanx to my friend, my fellow ninja-- Zizi Romaida.

Pic: Zizi Romaida~

She's an "acclaimed" fic-writer in LJ. Hahaha. Thanx to her, I got hooked on with LJ and also fics! Ape username die? Tu kne tnye die sendri~ ye~

Byk bende dah jd sepanjang 5-6 bulan nie.. 2009 pn da jd 2010.. Looking back at 2009, I'll probably laugh my head off thinking of those events happening back then.. One of the most should I say this: AMAZING thing that happened is that RUZILA@Sierra Juliette take interest in DBSK!!!! hahahahaha.. Sorang lg yg tertarik kt DBSK is WAN UMMI SARAH~ Hahahahaha.. Diorg drpd kutuk2, alih2 die sendri terpikat.. Ish3~ sah2 gedik! hahahaha..

Pic: Yg berbaju pink is Wan Ummi Sarah.. Yg berbaju hitam is Ruzila Ismail~

There's certainly a lesson to be learn and even some of it is very very very memorable.. This year -- 2010, I hope it's gonna be a more wonderful year instead of 2009.. Awl thn nie jugak saye blaja wat cupcake!! weee~ walaupun mcm hampeh ja hasilnya.. hahahahaha~

Pic: Cupcake Ku~

This year also mark the day I (hope) I will be graduating from Universiti Malaysia Perlis. Doa-doakn la ye.. Hehehe..

Lagi 1.. Aku terfikir-fikir mahu membuat online business tp.. ade ke org nk bli? Hmm.. bak kata org.. blom cuba blom taw.. Akn ku cuba 1 hari nnti..

Lastly: Purpose of this post is to say hi, at last leh post gak kt blogspot nie.. hehehe.. 2 je..

ok la~

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